The working group's mandate includes both the design and remodelling of the 3rd floor of the administration and the design of the library remodelling.
Working Group Remodelling of the Administration
A working group has been appointed to work on this, and funds have been allocated in the 2024 budget to remodel parts of the 3rd floor and to design the remodelling of the library on the 2nd floor.

In March 2023, the rector and director appointed a working group to focus on the investigation of "measures for optimal utilization of current spaces," referred to as the Campus Development Plan. The overarching goal in the mandate was that NMH should, to the greatest extent possible, address spatial needs within the areas available in Slemdalsveien.
The working group delivered the "Plan for the development of the premises of the Norwegian Academy of Music with an emphasis on proposals for short-term measures" on November 16, 2023. Concrete proposals for measures included:
"The working group has two specific proposals for remodelling spaces that could accommodate larger parts of the administration within areas that are not specialized areas/music areas. The working group emphasizes that these are sensible measures also in the long-term perspective and should be implemented regardless of whether the lease agreement in the Furuholmen building is terminated or not. One proposal involves remodelling the library area. The other proposal involves minor remodelling of the original administrative areas on the 3rd floor in Slemdalsveien. These areas consist largely of individual offices. Many of these are relatively spacious but are just slightly too small to accommodate two workstations. Similarly, there are two-person rooms that are just slightly too small to accommodate three workstations. Minor remodelling of parts of these areas could accommodate more staff, but would also involve a somewhat higher degree of multi-person rooms."