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The dissertation

A dissertation is worth 140 ECTS credits and forms the main part of the academic PhD degree.

Guidelines for the PhD dissertation

These guidelines were adopted by the PhD Committee on 20 October 2014 and were most recently revised on 22 March 2023.

2. The form of the dissertation

3. The format of the dissertation

4. Attachments

Tools for the scientific apparatus

Most PhD students use either EndNote or Zotero.


NMH has licenses for EndNote. This means that the research fellows have access from their NMH computer during the agreement period. If you experience problems with access to EndNote, contact IT.


Zoteroc offers free access, and is an alternative to EndNote. All PhD students can download the programme from Zotero website. .and

OsloMet presents an overview of both programmes, including useful tutorials.


The library regularly offers elementary courses in Zotero, please see the activity calendar (in Norwegian only).

Resource persons

The supervisor is the PhD fellow's most important supporter. However, other people may also be important contributors to larger or smaller parts of the dissertation:

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