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Who Does What in the Administration?

This webpage provides an overview of the work areas of the administration.

Service point at the library

The service point is open weekdays from 11:00 to 14:00.

Getting around at NMH

Room numbers in the 1st house have three digits. Room numbers in the 2nd house have four or five digits.

Administrative Leaders

Resource planning and work schedules

Time tables





Special needs and absence

Leaves of absence and recognition

IT Services

Digital learning systems

Campus services

Human resources (HR)

Research administration (R&D)

Communication, marketing and social media

Event production and concerts

Consert recordings

Lighting, audio/video, technical events production

Orchestra, choir and chamber music

Piano tuning



Reception (foyer and administration)

Purchasing, finance and accounting

International cooperation and exchange


Quality assurance in education

Continuing studies and seminars

Continuing Studies

Talent development (TUP)