Research Strategy is for now the only strategy in English. Work in progress to translate the rest..
Strategy 2035: NMH – moving music
NMH is moving music! Renowned for our outstanding expertise, creativity and deep commitment, the Norwegian Academy of Music (NMH) works in, with and through music.
Research Strategy 2025
This strategy sets NMH's goals and ambitions for how R&D work will be developed between now and 2025. The R&D concept includes artistic development work, scientific research and academic-pedagogical development work.
The Digitalisation Project
The digitalisation project has been initiated by the rectorate, and its projected duration is three years (2020–2022).
Handlingsplan musikerhelse ved NMH 2025
Handlingsplanen er en oppfølging av Strategi for god musikerhelse og foreslår konkrete tiltak som skal settes i gang fram mot 31. desember 2025.
Regulations for the PhD in Artistic Research Degree
This is a translation of the Norwegian version of the Regulations.