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The Digitalisation Project

The digitalisation project has been initiated by the rectorate, and its projected duration is three years (2020–2022).

The Vice-Principal of Education holds the academic responsibility for the project, while the administrative aspects of the project lie under the Department of Academic Affairs and Research.

Strategic goals – 2025

  1. NMH has developed valuable models for using digital technology in all types of courses, both performing and theoretical courses. We have created an integrated digital learning environment for learning and teaching.
  2. NMH facilitates an interplay between digital technology and teaching and learning methods to raise the quality of studies and give flexibility related to the study programmes and everyday work.
  3. NMH uses digital technology to create an open teaching and learning environment stimulating collaboration and interaction both internally and with the outside world.

Action plan for the digitalisation project

The action plan has been devised based on the objectives defined in the Strategy for Digital Technology in Teaching and Learning, and the objectives and ambitions of the Academy's plans are described in Engaged and Engaging – Strategy 2025.