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Communication channels

Here, you get help choosing the right channel when communicating with students or reaching out to the public.

Communication with students

  • At NMH, we shall not use Facebook, Messenger, or other social media to communicate with students. Social media does not safeguard privacy. The Academy cannot force students to join a commercial tool not acquired by NMH.
  • Use Canvas and NMH's e-mail system in FORMAL student communication, on exam matters, and case management.
  • Use chat via Teams to communicate simple messages and announcements between students and teachers - when Canvas and e-mail are not sufficient.

Our websites

The state has laid down rules for the universal design of text content and images. Follow these simple rules when posting content online.

Our websites, and are published on the Craft platform.

Teams group

All publishers who have gained access to and training in Craft are members of the Teams group, "Publishing in Craft". Under the Recipes tab, this group has guides, guidelines, and general tips.