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Board and Principal's Management Team

The Principal and Deputy Principal are elected by students and staff for a four year term. Members of the Management at the Academy are the Heads of Academic Affairs and Chief of Staff.


The management consists of the Principal’s Management Team and the Managing Director. The Principal’s Management Team were elected by the students and employees for the period 2021 to 2025.

The principal is the board chair and has the power of attorney to assume the overall leadership of the school’s activities. Individual instructions have been determined for the principal and the management.

If you are looking for information about executive committees, strategic plans, action plans, etc., you can find them on the pages about the organisation of the Academy.

Principal's Management Team

Instructions and main tasks

The Board

The Board Members of the Norwegian Academy of Music from 1 August 2021 to 31 July 2025.

The board has eleven members: four members elected from among the academic staff, two students, one member elected from among the technical and administrative staff, and four external members who are appointed by the Ministry of Education and Research.

Chair of the Board

Astrid Kvalbein, Principal at the Norwegian Academy of Music.

Deputy chair

Vice Principal.

Styret ved Musikkhøgskolen mars 2022. Fra venstre: Tanja Orning, Iver Bunkholt, Håkon Kvidal, Svein Tore Samdal, Anna Berg, Inga Bostad, Astrid Kvalbein, Stein Bjelland, Cecilie Ohm, Tor Espen Aspaas, Miriam Rintelen og Eyolf Dale. Foto: Charlotte Wiig.

Board Meetings

Only in Norwegian. Please view the Norwegian version of this webpage.