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Strategy: What are we, and where are we going?

What are the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of the Music Academy? Do we come across as relevant and current?

These, and several other questions, have been asked in the discussions and form part of the basis for the strategy process. Based on these discussions, the working group has developed a so-called SWOT analysis divided into four categories:

  1. Education
  2. R&D and professional environment
  3. Organizational culture, organization and infrastructure
  4. In dialogue with the outside world

The analysis aims to get an overview and reflect on whether NMH has what it takes to handle the challenges ahead. Below, you can read a summary of each category and see the lists of points that emerged in the discussions.


The quality of education is good, and the breadth of genres and the role of a strong player in the education of classical orchestra musicians is essential. The breadth of genres and competence can become even better and in more significant contact with working life, even though students, according to the professional environments, have good chances in the labour market. We have a unique performer-based music pedagogy education. Others point out that a too great breadth can be a danger to quality and that the number of main instrument hours should be considered increased. On the other hand, a greater focus on group teaching and teams around the students is mentioned.

Opportunities include entrepreneurship, studies in global music, more open organization, new teacher education, specialization and tactile perspectives, varying degrees of freedom of choice for students, greater focus on contemporary music, Artistic research and community-oriented work.

Challenges include a tighter labour market and lower recruitment, especially in classical and church music.


The breadth of genres and competency can become even better and in closer contact with working life.

Points from the discussions on education

R&D and professional environment

The R&D resources and the solid professional environments within research are highlighted. At the same time, it is pointed out that some professional environments are small and vulnerable, which contributes to a lack of belonging and loneliness. We have a low proportion of R&D in top positions compared to others.

Linking R&D and teaching is described as an opportunity, along with greater cooperation across, sharing culture, more external funding and investment to increase the research capacity of various professional environments.

Artistic research can be a key to showing social relevance, but at the same time, it will be a danger that there can be too many "private" practices and little professional exchange. Threats and challenges include AI, quality decay in the field, and low motivation to obtain external funding.

R&D and professional environment

Artistic research can be a key to showing social relevance, while at the same time, there is a danger that there may be too many "private" practices and little professional exchange.

Points from the discussions about R&D and the professional environment

Organizational culture, organization and infrastructure

NMH's physical location and material/financial position are highlighted as strengths. Having everyone under the same roof provides a reasonable basis for cooperation and a good working environment, but the cramped conditions affect the social and professional meeting places. The working environment at NMH is good, but it is a problem that many are employed in minor positions. They do not leave their mark on the working environment and professional development and contribute less to joint ownership.

Organizational structure is mentioned as a brake for cooperation. Quality understanding, more significant interaction, expansion and more flexible use of premises and resources, better strategic utilization of human resources, better leadership development and leadership support, cooperation with other institutions on administrative tasks, better balance between job types, and a reassessment of the growth philosophy are among the opportunities.

The threat picture points to greater external and internal competition, slightly lower satisfaction with the working environment (ARK2023), reduced financing, and great demands for compliance and reporting.

Organizational culture, organization and infrastructure

Everyone under the same roof provides a reasonable basis for cooperation and a good working environment, but the cramped conditions affect the social and professional meeting places.

Points from the discussions about organization and infrastructure

In dialogue with the outside world

There is a strong emphasis on our solid national position, which opens up many opportunities for collaboration. This is also a position that obliges us to be a national beacon. We have a good reputation, but we may reach too small a portion of the population. It's also a strength that we are a firm representative of higher arts education to the department.

More robust dissemination of clarity and values through activities and communication in music activities, political work, and philosophical clarification of the legitimacy of art in many areas, including within health and school policy, are among the opportunities.

Weaknesses and challenges are the balance between NMH's clarity and the broad scope, too weak community contact, and underdeveloped national cooperation in music education. Our reputation is under pressure, and the relevance to our students is also threatened in a changing labour market.

In dialogue with the outside world

Our reputation is under pressure, and the relevance to our students is also threatened in a changing labour market.

Points from the discussions about dialogue with the outside world

Word clouds

The staff and students can give opinions on organizational culture, motivation, and values via the Menti tool. The anonymous and informal surveys resulted in word clouds on the strategy process's main page.

Main page for the 2024 strategy process

More information on strategic work can be found on the website. Keep up - and get involved!

The strategy process at NMH ( (Norwegian)

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