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Strategic Trail Report III

August 2024: Happy post-summer, dear students and colleagues. What is NMH today, and how should we operate over the next 10 years?

Throughout 2024, we have challenged each other, our students, partners, politicians, and others to answer this question.

Thank you for all your input

The Strategy Group would like to thank you all for your valuable contributions to community days, strategy lounges, breakfasts, seminars, informal meetings, section meetings, and the corridors of NMH over the past six months. These inputs have been welcome contributions to a large and rich material and a reasonable basis for us in all conversations with other players in the music life. We have reached out broadly and spoken with many, and it is clear that society needs NMH and that NMH needs to connect more and work together with the music life.

It is clear that society needs NMH and that NMH needs to connect more and work together with the music life.

from strategic trail report III

The strategy should answer and open up for questions

The strategy should provide condensed answers to the question while opening up more questions: Who is NMH for? What world should the Academy of Music operate in going forward? How can the reflections these questions bring influence studies, research, and artistic development work? How can the values in music and the art field be shared with more significant parts of society?

Is NMH equipped for, and do we have the culture to implement the strategy?

One of the questions the strategy shall give an answer to

Thorough discussions

These and several other questions were thoroughly discussed with our board, student representatives, and section leaders at an intense and productive two-day seminar in June 2024. It is suitable for the strategy group to see that the inputs we have received from students, staff, and external parties match the attitudes of the board.

Main intentions

Furthermore, the strategy group worked throughout the late summer to shape some main intentions and frame them with a situation description.

We have great faith that NMH has a culture of collaboration, and we also wish to strengthen this. Therefore, it is now about operating together as a WE following some clear overarching intentions for the next 10 years. These strategic intentions will influence our core activities, education, research, and dissemination and help them operate together as a whole.

These intentions will guide a practical direction in the form of annual plans, sub-strategies, and priorities later in the planning process.

How shall we use the strategy

Presentation and hearing

The strategy group looked forward to presenting the draft of these intentions at the staff assembly on 22 August. After the staff assembly, two working groups will work further with the consequence of the main intentions under education, research, and dissemination. As a result, a draft of the finished strategy will be sent for hearing on 10 September to the sections, trade unions, SUT, and administration.

Set direction and support priorities

A strategy should set direction, support actions, and inspire and prioritise from year to year. It should also stimulate organisational development and highlight how NMH interacts with the outside world. We look forward to launching the new strategy and steering steadily after it in the time ahead!

Best regards from the strategy group

Main page for the 2024 strategy process

More information on strategic work can be found on the website.

The strategy process at NMH ( (Norwegian)

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