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Strategic Trail Report II

Principal Astrid Kvalbein and pro-principal Morten Qvenild have written this trail report about the strategic prosess.

We received excellent input about NMH today and where we are going next.

The Strategy Group is about to round off the collection phase. Since January, we have collected input about NMH's strategic position internally on ordinary days, at meetings in the academic sections and administration, and in meetings with students and activities in the strategy lounge. We have also met a wide range of external actors in a wide bouquet that has given us valuable views on our position, their expectations and thoughts, and the way forward.

See the news items below.

Recently, we have met with the academic sections and a unified administration. We focused on the future, had good discussions and focused on concrete proposals based on current analysis and prospects.

Thank you very much for all the input we have received!

Astrid Kvalbein and Morten Qvenild

The path to the strategic goals

In the coming weeks, we will gather the threads and weave together a presentation where the inputs from all involved are discussed, formulated and shaped into a comprehensive draft strategy.

From now on, we will meet with the students and let working groups across the academic environments discuss and develop proposals for paths and strategic intentions.

What happens next?

The project group is preparing a board seminar on 6 and 7 June, where the board, student representatives, section leaders, and the rectorate will work further on the direction for NMH. You can read about the further process on the main page of the strategy project.

Main page for the 2024 strategy process

More information on strategic work can be found on the website. Keep up - and get involved!

The strategy process at NMH ( (Norwegian)

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