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Additional Employment

The Norwegian Academy of Music (NMH) has established guidelines regarding additional employment. These guidelines are meant to counteract problems such as conflicts with impartiality or loyalty or a situation whereby the external work has a negative effect on the main position.

The rules apply to academic, artistic and administrative employees who are engaged in positions whose hours amount to at least 50% of a full-time position.

Report additional employment

If you are engaged at NMH in a position whose hours amount to at least 50% of a full-time position and also have additional employment, then do the following.

Fill out the form for reporting additional employment:

Rules of the Norwegian Academy of Music regarding additional employment

Why must this be registered?

The rules have been drawn up to make it easier for employees to understand the extent of their duty of loyalty, and to ensure that the employer has a sound basis for making decisions.

As a point of departure, employees must be able to spend their free time as they wish. Permission to accept additional employment can only be granted when this employment has no detrimental effect on the execution of the original contract of employment.

Typical problems that can arise in this connection are, among others, the relationship to impartiality rules, a conflict with the employee’s duty of loyalty, or a situation where the additional employment influences the amount and quality of work in the main position.