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Here you can report instances of wrongdoing at the Norwegian Academy of Music.

It is safe to make a complaint

As an NMH employee, you are entitled to enjoy a good working environment. If you experience anything that compromises the working environment, you can let us know here. All reported cases will be dealt with by HR. You can choose to remain anonymous, but we recommend that you provide us with an e-mail address so that we can let you know how we are handling your case.

We are very clear that blowing the whistle on misconduct should be safe and is the right thing to do. If you wish to report your concerns anonymously, only the person who receives your complaint will know your name. However, management cannot remain passive when receiving an anonymous complaint.


You can choose to remain anonymous, but we recommend that you provide us with an e-mail address so that we can let you know how we are handling your case.

Describe the misconduct in as much detail as possible.
We recommend entering your e-mail address, as it will be easier for us to follow up on your case.