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This is what happens during the anniversary days on 3 and 4 September

Students and staff have much to look forward to on Sunday, 3 September, and Monday, 4 September. Here is an overview of how to participate, contribute, and celebrate as the Norwegian Academy of Music turns 50.


We open the anniversary celebration with a bang. Meet in front of Østbanehallen, by Tigeren, Sunday, 3 September at 10:45 and join the parade up Karl Johan via a performance on Egertorget and endpoint Universitetsplassen.

The Christiania Wind Ensemble leads us to the front of the Aula, surrounded by music for the rest of the day.

Attention: Do not plan exercises during this time - NMH needs you in the parade to show Oslo that we celebrate this day!

Birthday celebration at Universitetsplassen

50 concerts in one day. Sunday, 3 September from 12:00.

Bring your family and friends and choose from various free concerts, book launches, debates, activities, and other outdoor and indoor events at Universitetsplassen and the surrounding buildings.

Sunday activities

The program starts at 12:00, and there will be 50 events until the festive concert at Universitetets Aula at 7:00 p.m.

Food trucks will be available, allowing you to grab a bite to eat between events so that you can spend the entire Sunday here.

Get your group together and choose from over 50 concerts and events.

Festive area in front of Universitetets Aula

Anniversary concert at Universitetets Aula

Welcome to today's, this autumn's, and this year's primary highlight: the anniversary concert for the 50th anniversary of the Norwegian Academy of Music 3 September at 19:00. The program will be updated on the festival's website.

Special price for students and staff

Please note that everyone needs to pick up a ticket for this concert. Students and staff at the Norwegian Academy of Music can purchase tickets for only NOK 100. Use the promo code "nmh50" to access the special price for students and staff.

Buy tickets at before it's too late. We expect a sold-out Aula on this day.

Group photo

Historically, historical group photos of staff and students have been taken several times. The 50th anniversary provides a golden opportunity to take a new historical photo.

We gather for a group photo on Monday 4 September, at 13:00 p.m. outside NMH.

Reception at Oslo City Hall

Not every day, a significant national institution celebrates its 50th anniversary, and we should be very proud that the Mayor of Oslo invites all students and staff to a reception at Oslo City Hall on Monday, 4 September, at 3:00 p.m.

This event is for all current NMH students and employees.

Pomp and well-deserved grandeur at Oslo City Hall, funded by the City of Oslo. Sign up and join the cheers, and enjoy some food and drinks.

Pomp and well-deserved grandeur at Oslo City Hall, funded by the City of Oslo.

Staff and students must sign up

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