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Exercise and Physiotherapy

It can be a good idea to move around a little when you have a job where you sit a lot. Employees at NMH can take advantage of both group exercise and physiotherapy.


Administrative employees may use one hour every working week for group exercise activities and other group wellbeing initiatives. Academic staff, who are not paid by the hour, can organise their workdays to fit exercising in.


Take part in floorball training together with colleagues at NMH. We have access to the gymnasium at MF on Thursdays from 15:15–16:15.

Discount at SO's fitness centres

As an employee of NMH, you are entitled to a discount on single-session passes and semester passes at the SiO's fitness centres.

This applies to all employees at institutions connected with SiO (Student Welfare Organisation in Oslo) (

Exercise videos

Physiotherapist Karen van der Starre has made videos showing simple exercises for stretching and relaxing. Remember that none of these exercises should be experienced as painful.

Contact the physiotherapist