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Working Environment Survey (ARK)

This autumn we will be conducting a working environment survey. By participating, you get to have your say about working conditions at the NMH.

Why we’re doing a survey

  • Because a good working environment is vital to our well-being, good health and the work we do.
  • To obtain information to allow us to work systematically to improve the working environment at the NMH.
  • Because a good working environment makes us perform better together.

Why you should participate in the survey

The working environment survey is designed to take the temperature on the psychosocial working environment at the NMH. The survey and subsequent analysis provide an opportunity for you to tell us how you’re getting on at work and have a say about working conditions.

  • It takes around 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.
  • You can take short breaks along the way. Your answers will be saved as you go.

When is it happening?

  • 17 October: You will receive the questionnaire by email from
  • 6 November: Deadline for completing the working environment survey.
  • Week 47: The aggregated results will be presented to all employees.
  • Weeks 2–6 2023: Review meetings in each department. Managers and employees review the results for their respective departments and identify measures to preserve and improve the working environment.

Roles and responsibilities

The NMH executive management is responsible for ensuring a good working environment in accordance with the Working Environment Act. The management must also enable staff to take part in processes and decisions which impact their workplace and the working environment.

A successful working environment survey requires adequate preparation, execution and follow-up by the various departments.

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