NMH's concerts are planned and booked in two main seasons, with the following announcement times and deadlines:
- Concerts in the spring semester: Announced in October, normally with a deadline around 1 November
- Concerts in the autumn semester: Announced in April, normally with a deadline of around 1 May
To be prioritized in the season planning, you must have registered your concert wish/plan by the deadline. Entries that arrive after the deadline are given second priority, and cannot be expected to be completed. It is through the main season registration that the vast majority of concert opportunities and resources are allocated.
Enrollment/agreement on the performance of concerts under the auspices of NMH at external locations where you may have made or can make an agreement yourself must also be reported through the season planning and clarified within the deadline in order to be included in NMH's programme, either through a form or another agreement directly with the production manager.
Form for registrations will be announced at student.nmh.no/ansatt.nmh.no and promoted through NMHs newsletter "Etter noter".