- Ph.d.-dager: 7.–8. april
- Hovedkonferanse: 8.–10. april
For fullstendig utlysning og mer informasjon, se den engelske nettsiden.
Nordic Network for Research in Music Education (NNRME) er en årlig konferanse. Årets vertskap er Norges musikkhøgskole i samarbeid med Høgskolen i Innlandet.
For fullstendig utlysning og mer informasjon, se den engelske nettsiden.
Påmelding starter 1. desember. Du finner mer informasjon om konferanseavgift, hotellkostnad og måltider nedenfor (NB: kan være gjenstand for mindre endringer). Vær oppmerksom på at vi dessverre ikke kan tilby redusert konferanseavgift for deltakere som kun ønsker å delta på deler av konferansen.
Konferanseavgiften for hovedkonferansen er kr. 5 500,-. Dette inkluderer
Konferanseavgiften for Ph.d.-dager er kr. 1 000,-. Dette inkluderer
Hotell Hurdalsjøen (inkludert frokost)
To plan your journey according to your arrival time, please check the journey planner at ruter.no/en.
Denne siden oppdateres med mer informasjon om konferansen.
Program og konferanseinformasjon (conftool.org)In 1995, David Elliot published Music Matters, challenging educators and researchers to recognise and reconsider the deep and multifaceted ways in which music matters in human life and society. Thirty years later, the question remains ever-relevant: How do music, but also music education and music education research matter today, and in what ways?
This conference invites participants to explore the evolving significance of music education and music education research. In a world marked by diverse cultural expressions, pressing social challenges and rapid technological change, the question of how music education/research matters takes on new urgency.
The conference aims to bring together a diverse range of voices and perspectives to critically examine how and why music education/research matters, exploring these issues through a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches by asking questions such as: How do different research perspectives and analytical frameworks make sense of music education? How does music education become relevant in responding to and shaping contemporary social issues? How is policy practices assigning meaning to music education at different levels (local, national and international)? In what ways do music and music education function as inclusionary and exclusionary practices, and what is the relevance of music education in today's societies?
Publisert: 19. sep. 2024 — Oppdatert: 25. mar. 2025