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Sigrid Røyseng becomes head of the NOU committee

Professor Sigrid Røyseng will be head of the newly formed "Music Committee", which will prepare a public inquiry (NOU) about the music field in Norway.

According to, the investigation aims to get a holistic review of the music field, which sees both institutions, organisations, volunteering, creators, performers and the instrument apparatus in context.

– Important sector in the society

– Music life is an important sector in the society, and music means a lot to many people. With exciting and competent committee members, I look forward to drawing a future-oriented picture of music life, says committee leader Sigrid Røyseng.

The committee's work will result in a report presented to the Ministry of Culture and Equality in the spring 2025.

Together with exciting and competent committee members, I look forward to drawing a future-oriented overall picture of music life.

Sigrid Røyseng

– Proud and happy

– The Norwegian Academy of Music students are trained for a wide range of tasks in music life. We, therefore, look forward with anticipation to what the NOU will bring in terms of knowledge in this field. And of course, we are proud and happy that one of our employees is given a key role in the work, says principal Astrid Kvalbein.

We look forward with anticipation to what the NOU will bring in terms of knowledge in this field.

Astrid Kvalbein

The government will facilitate more cultural workplaces, secure cultural institutions, and invest in the free field. This was revealed in a press release from December 2022. In it, Minister of Culture and Equality Anette Trettebergstuen states:

– We have a good overview of the parts of music life with public support. Still, we also need to know more about the private market and the interaction between professional musicians and voluntary cultural life. All central organisations in the music sector eagerly await this report.

Regarding the background for the selection, writes, among other things: "The organisation of the music field and the public's financial, legal and organisational instruments are the result of historically established practices and political processes. It is difficult today to see the whole of music policy and how the various instruments work together. A comprehensive review of the music field will contribute to updated and new knowledge and provide new analyses that can form the basis for future policy development."

The committee

In addition to leader Sigrid Røyseng, these are the committee members:

  • Associate Professor Torgeir Uberg Nærland, Bergen
  • Director Tone Østerdal, Oslo
  • Musician Mira Thiruchelvam, Bergen
  • General Secretary Bjarne Dæhli, Oslo
  • Associate professor Torger Jenssen Kielland, Bergen
  • Associate Professor Anders Rønningen, Tønsberg
  • Musician Tove Karoline Knutsen, Tromsø
  • Manager Geir Steen-Olsen Luedy, Bergen
  • General manager Sigrun Tara Øverland, Kristiansand
  • Musician Kim Wigaard Johansen, Oslo
  • Organisational advisor Lene Furuli, Oslo
  • Partner Trude Marit Risnes, Stavanger
  • Musician Thomas Tvedt, Oslo
  • Head of department Christina Hætta, Alta
  • Musician Lávre Johan Andersen Eira, Kautokeino
Sigrid Røyseng da boka Det mangfoldige musikeryrket ble lansert 4. mai 2022

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