The fixed-term periods will still be four to six years. Still, where the current law sets the limit at twelve years of continuous employment, the new law states that no one can be employed for more than one fixed-term period in the same job category at the same institution. This means that we no longer have the opportunity to offer anyone a renewal of the fixed-term employment.
Changes to the Higher Education Act

Limitations in using fixed term appointments based on artistic competence requirements are among the new Higher Education Act changes, which come into effect on 1 August.
Strengthens academic freedom and Norwegian as an educational language
Some more changes in the new law:
- The use of Norwegian as an educational and academic language is strengthened.
- There is a requirement for two sensors on more exams.
- There are more explicit rules for cheating.
- Academic freedom is strengthened.
If you have questions about appointments and the law change, you can send them by email to