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CERMinar: Abuse, Misconduct, and Classical Music


CERMinar er fagseminarer i regi av forskningssenteret CERM.

Om CERMinaret

Gjesterforeleser er Anna Ramstedt fra universitetet i Helsinki

Tittel på Ramstedts presentasjon er "Abuse, Misconduct, and Classical Music – A feminist Study on Social Imaginaries and Gender Inequality in Finland"

Om Anna Ramstedt

"Anna is a pianist, music educator and doctoral student. She has studied piano performance at the Sibelius Academy as well as Middle Eastern Studies and Musicology in the University of Helsinki. After graduating as a Master from both universities she continued to pursue her PhD in University of Helsinki.

Anna gives public talks and lectures on how to prevent sexual harassment, grooming, emotional abuse, and abuse of power in early and higher music education. This includes also information about young musicians "safety skills".

Her dissertation topic is "Gender inequality, gendered and sexual misconduct, and emotional abuse – A feminist view to the classical music culture in Finland". In her doctoral dissertation, she scrutinizes constructions of gender inequality and whiteness, as well as gendered and sexual misconduct, and emotional abuse in the classical music scene in Finland." (researchportal.helsinki.fi)

Publisert: 7. feb. 2024 — Oppdatert: 5. apr. 2024