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New practice for class concerts from January 2023

Due to reduced budgets for 2023, NMH also has to reduce the number of public performances presented, and use our resources where they’re most needed.

The concert committee has discussed various measures, one of them is now being implemented through a new practice for class concerts. As a main rule class concerts are now considered as internal events. By this, we mean that the concert is not publicly announced, it’s done with no staff present and no production help. Students and employees at the academy are free to personally invite their audience, but the concert should not be announced and open for the general public outside NMH. Students and employees responsible for the concert are also responsible all practical matters, including audience handeling.

Time frames and practical frames for class concerts are not changed through this new practice.

Class concerts with a clear profile, title, description, program etc can be considered as regular concerts, with all necessary support – by agreement. (more info below)




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