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Election 2025 – Submit Nominations for Board Members

On this page, you will find updated information about the election at NMH in 2025.

Election of Board Members

Employee and student representatives will be elected for the next board term, and the election will occur from 22 to 28 April.


The deadline for submitting nominations is 7 April 2025 at 23:59.

Send your nominations for board members to

If you are nominating someone other than yourself, the email must state that the person has been asked and has agreed to stand for election.

Candidates Will Be Presented

Candidates will be presented on this site as nominations are received. Information on how to vote will be provided closer to the election.

Practical about the election

The Board Decides the Rector Election

As no additional candidates were proposed for the rector election, there will be no election for Principal and Deputy Principal. According to the election regulations § 19 point 12: If only one proposal for a rector/pro-rector candidate is submitted, these are considered elected if more than half of the members of the college's board vote in favour. The next board meeting is on 6 March, and this will be decided then.

Proposed Candidates for the Rector Election

On 25 November 2024, the electoral board received the following proposals: Astrid Kvalbein and Morten Qvenild as candidates for principal and Deputy principal.

There were no other candidates within the deadline to submit proposals 24 January at 23.59.