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CREMAH: Midt-term evaluation - Anne Kippenes


CREMAH and the PhD committee invite to Anne Kippenes' mid-term evaluation.

Field of study: Music Therapy/Music and Health

Music as a health resource in childhood services in Bhutan

Anne Kippenes is enrolled in the PhD Programme in Music Research. The PhD project aims to investigate the potential of music as a health resource in caregiver-child relationships and Early Childhood Community Services in Bhutan.

Commentator: Dr Kim Boeskov, Rhythmic Music Conservatory, Denmark

Read more about Anne's PhD project

About the mid-term evaluation

The midterm evaluation aims to ensure the progress and quality of the PhD work and motivate the candidate. The midterm evaluation is open to an internal audience at NMH.

Published: Jul 5, 2024 — Last updated: Aug 23, 2024